Sure, we have no idea what we're doing.
I do know that all the cool retirees in the neighborhood are doing how hard can it be?
Okay, it's a little difficult, but we had a blast working hard in the yard - and Brad has a sexy farmer's tan to boot.
My boys are worn out!
Dallas had a good ol' time sprinting through the garden after we so carefully organized the rows. When he wasn't destroying our progress, he was chilling in his baby pool all day.
We even planted a tree this weekend....for that weird? Little Bear has been missing his peach tree.
We worked so hard to get everything planted. Perhaps we should have checked the weather report for that night - frost. No worries, we have a bazillion boxes in the basement to protect our precious veggies. Check out our lovely box garden.
Just know that even though I think I have gone country, this Waterford box begs to differ.
Just know that even though I think I have gone country, this Waterford box begs to differ.