Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

I am so very thankful that Jesus died and rose again for me. It's hard to grasp the depth of that love. Incredible.

Happy Easter - from my goofball family to yours.

Lookin' good Kristen and Taylor. Typical....

I just love him so much.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bad Bad Hard Drive...Bad!

This just in from the Geek Squad - $350 to get my newer laptop back in order. I have a bad hard drive...thanks Dell. I guess it's too late to trash that computer and get a Mac. You live and you learn. I'll get back to my sporadic blogging soon :)

p.s. Blonde bear and I are doing well. We are actually having some fun. God is good all the time, even when your computer turns into a mild money pit :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It figures...

It computer would have a major melt down. Oh well. Just another day in paradise ;)
Any advice on where I should take it for repair? I was married to a computer wiz, I didn't need to know these things. I am trying out a blog post from my iPhone just for kicks. So far so good.

I'm happy to report that I've been doing well. Yep, you read that correctly. I am doing well, and I mean that sincerely. I think a lot of that has to do with me finally joining the gym and getting a personal trainer. I'm sleeping better and I'm more productive during the day. I don't give a rip about losing weight or my looks right now. I just want to feel healthy and strong, not malnourished and defeated like the past months. When I joined the gym I was asked, "What's your motivation?"

I quickly responded,

"To be able to beat-up people."

And that pretty much sums up my attitude lately. Don't mess with me, I'm one tough lady!

Also, Dallas is doing great :). Thank you thank you thank you for all those prayers. Keep em' coming.