Friday, December 18, 2009

Ask and you shall receive - a boat load of snow!

Once again, Brad and I were glued to in hopes of snow, lots of snow. Well boy oh boy we got snow and then some!

Here is my afternoon in a nutshell:

- Spend 3 and a half hours in the car trying to get home. Mostly due to some major traffic and a top speed of 5 mph. Lovely. And a side note, I really really needed a bathroom break.
- Finally out of traffic and my 4Runner ran straight into a ditch. I suppressed my FREAK-OUT emotions and pulled myself together and got out of the ditch.
- Had an internal celebration for my bravery.
- Got a little too excited and quickly humbled again. Couldn't make it up the hill to get home, now I'm in another ditch.
- Brad couldn't come rescue me because him and the neighbor couldn't get their 4x4 up our street. Sweet Brad packed a rescue kit and was going to walk the mile to come save me.
- Wonderful people stopped to help me and gave me a ride home. At this point I didn't really care who they were, as long as they would take me to a restroom.
- I finally made it HOME! Brad and I sat down to relax and eat dinner....and the electricity goes off!
- Argh!
- We finally have heat and light, and now I'm about to curl up on the couch and watch the best Christmas movie of all time, Home Alone :)

Check out the pics so far. It is supposed to snow heavily all night, which means an early wake up call from Brad and Dallas for some play time in the snow.


  1. Thankful you are both home safe!! Good thing dad doesn't live close to you, he would have to quit his job and drive you around in the snow.

  2. BRRRRRR....glad you are safe! Looks like y'all will have a white Christmas!

  3. Wonderful payoff after all of the drama! My fav pic is Dallas making doggie snow angels.....PRICELESS!
