Monday, July 27, 2009

Hottie alert!

I just wanted to post these pics to document Brad buying a grill he wanted for his birthday this Wednesday. The fact that there is also a guy in the picture with a ponytail, flip-flops, and shirt completely unbuttoned in public is purely a coincidence ; ) It's no mullet, but I find it equally entertaining. You have to be hot stuff to walk around with your shirt like that. Props for the confidence sir!

But seriously, Brad already had a grill that he uses all of the time, but he wanted a Weber charcoal grill so he could do mesquite grilled steaks. And mmm-mmm-mmmmmmmm they were delicious!

At the end of August our best buddies Lana and Curtis are coming to visit! Our Rockband shall reunite!...I call drums.

1 comment:

  1. I had some catching up to do on the blog....i guess i am rocking the mic.....but i have to go to this store while we are there...i want to take pics of all your new friends ;-)
